Ben Collins wrote:

> As a side note, I have compiled 2.1.128 from clean source (straight from
> on a SS1. I have the same problems with the serial console
> as some one else did on 125 but ALL of the IO performance has more than
> doubled! Tape backups of the full system that use to take an hour now take
> 15 minutes, network speeds on the local lan have gone from 40k/sec to
> 110k/sec (hey it's only a SS1 :), and the ever creeping slow down after
> some uptime is gone.

I've now tried both the pre-built 2.1.125 and a clean 2.1.129 both
still have the same serial console problem.

I've tried looking for a patch but can find one.


Scott Ashcroft                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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