I had a working sparc running potat, but my HD crashed, so I reinstalled.
I used my slink cd, installed a bare minimum, then apt-get upgraded to
the latest.

I'm having troubles that I can't figure out...

> gcc -o test test.c
Segmentation fault

> cd /usr/src/linux
/usr/src/linux> make config
BUG IN DYNAMIC LINKER ld.so: Segmentation fault

Everything I have is latest...
ii  cpp             2.95.1-0pre1   The GNU C preprocessor.
ii  gcc             2.95.1-0pre1   The GNU C compiler.
ii  ldso            1.9.11-2       The Linux dynamic linker, library and utilit
ii  make            3.77-7         The GNU version of the "make" utility.

Can anyone tell me what's going on? 


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