On Sat, Feb 24, 2001 at 09:43:05AM +1000, Q89029292 wrote:
> You have installed the solaris libraries under /usr/gnemul/solaris/ ?
> At least thats where I think they are supposed to go.
> Personally I use Sunos emulation if I can.

OK, Sunos and Solaris are not really compatible, are they?
Does anyone have the Solaris libraries for me to download, i only have
access to Sunos?


Lars M. Johansson                                     +44 (0)7880 633134 

"The UNIX system has a command, nice, which allows a user to voluntarily
 reduce the priority of his process, in order to be nice to other users.
 Nobody ever uses it"
                               A. S. Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems

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