
i know that smp and 2.4 on sun4m is a problem and that some people here
don't like question about this but i'm asking anyway assuming that there
are some that actually run 2.4 with smp on ss10.

i tried several versions and flavours of 2.4 on my ss10 now and there was
always the same problem: the kernel starts without a problem until it
starts init. then the system just stops without any error or something in
this way. sometimes the "INIT..." message is shown, sometimes not.
if i set init=/bin/sh at silo i normally get the shell, i can do ls, but
ps puts the system to sleep again.
sending a break to the sleeping system (via serial console) shows no
reaction, but as i'm somewhat green on sparcs, i don't know if that
means anything.

with 2.21smp everything works fine, so i assumed the hardware works. also
replacing the hyperSparc with an SM100 does not change anything. 

the hyperSparc module runs at 125Mhz with 1024k cache and there are 160meg
of mem in.

does anybody know this problem?
has anybody an idea what i could try next?
is there a mailing list for sparc/sun4m kernel problems (could not find

thanks a lot

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