
> I use 2.4.18 on my SS20 (2 Ross Hypersparc 125 MHz, 196 MB).
> Sometimes (not very often) the machine freezes for a while when X is
> starting during the boot process (network alive at that moment). But
> overall, it works fine.

so cpu and openprom can't be the problem... nice to know

> Hmm. I recently baught a VSIMM for the onboard high resolution graphics.
> With that module installed, I have the same problem: everything ok in
> the beginning, but when init starts ...
> When I remove the module and connect the monitor to the SBUS graphics,
> the SS20 works fine again. And when I remove the SBUS card and install
> the VSIMM, I get an SBUS error when init should start.
> Which graphics on your SS10? Might that be a hint?

there is no graphic in my SS10... serial console is enough ;)
and i tried with all sbus cards removed, so they should not be the
on the other hand... could it be that a framebuffer solves my problem? got
to try that tomorrow...

thanks for your answer!

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