Ben Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> > I'll NMU with the patch if you ignore this.
>> Don't NMU any of my packages without the normal NMU procedure.
> Don't remove essential patches for no other reason than spring cleaning.

I talked with upstream again.
Patch will stay for 2.0, but in 2.1alpha he adds code against that/that
breaks with it. Something like this. Then its deleted.
(Dont ask me about license that part will get.)
Then linux sparc could stay with last major release of mkisofs or adjust
silo. (His words). 

> The patch hurts nothing and breaks nothing, but provides a need part
> of the sparc port.

Then it hurts/breaks. But someone could then built mkisofs-sparc
packages if one wants (old major release) or do something completly different.
Debian Package should stay as close as possible to "official" version,
so it wont have it too.
(I dont want to lose Upstream support for every Debian User just
because of a patch wich is not necessary if the real buggy thing is fixed.)

Ah, and it still applies, dont NMU one of my packages without following
the normal procedure for an NMU. :)

BTW: I announced at 21 Nov 2002 that this patch is near his dead. Noone
cared about so It doesnt look very important to me if there is no
response from anyone.

BTW2: I dont want to flame anyone anywhere, just in case someone thinks that.

bye Joerg
A.D. 1492:
Christopher Columbus arrives in what he believes to be India, but
which RMS informs him is actually GNU/India.

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