On Fri, Dec 13, 2002 at 12:07:35AM +0100, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> Ben Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> > I'll NMU with the patch if you ignore this.
> >> Don't NMU any of my packages without the normal NMU procedure.
> > Don't remove essential patches for no other reason than spring cleaning.
> I talked with upstream again.
> Patch will stay for 2.0, but in 2.1alpha he adds code against that/that
> breaks with it. Something like this. Then its deleted.
> (Dont ask me about license that part will get.)
> Then linux sparc could stay with last major release of mkisofs or adjust
> silo. (His words). 

He is being really childish if he is intentionally making things break
for no good reason.

Worse comes to worse, I'll redo the patch like I did before.

Don't let an overzealous upstream tell us what we can and cannot do with
free source. We are allowed to change it, and do whatever we want with
it. If he makes it so we can't, then it isn't free anymore and the whole
issue is moot, since we need to find a isofs creation tool that is free.

Tell upstream to stay out of Debian business.

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