On Fri, Jul 16, 2004 at 09:39:28AM -0500, Kent West wrote:
> Fom the "sun4u" folder I grabbed the tftpboot.img file and used it to 
> net boot the SunBlade 2000.
> It started to load, and then died with the error:
> 464c00 Instruction Access Error
> ok Can't use is with (f0018f98)
> MyyyyyyFast Data Access MMU Miss
> and it dropped me to the OK prompt

I don't know if it's the same issue, but I get the same kind of error
on my blade 100 when I reboot the machine:

* if I do a cold boot into Debian, it boots fine
* if it's running solaris, and I do a reboot and I select linux, I get a
  '... MMU Miss' (sorry, don't remember what's on the dots) and I get
  the ok prompt

I know I have an old prom (4.0 something); perhaps it's fixed in a more
recent one. Anyway, I always do a power-off and turn the machine on


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