On 07/04/17 13:18, transmail wrote:
I see. And where is that battery exactly? I only see the standard CR2032. Is it 
that big green/black box near the CPU fan's power supply connector?

On the top of the chip. I /did/ say "Timekeeper RAM ... onboard battery". Unfortunately it's one of those architecture-specific things one has to know about, see http://obsolyte.com/sunFAQ/faq_nvram.html

<rant> Any half-decent system designer provides a way to shut the clock down on one of these chips, at which point the battery lasts more or less indefinitely. I certainly did when I was putting them into custom hardware. </rant>

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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