2017-04-07 17:52 GMT+02:00 Mark Morgan Lloyd
> <rant> Any half-decent system designer provides a way to shut the clock down
> on one of these chips, at which point the battery lasts more or less
> indefinitely. I certainly did when I was putting them into custom hardware.
> </rant>

Huh? The Sun Nvram/Hostid FAQ (unfortunately it seems Squirrel has
vanished :-(, my version is here:
<http://www.dolbeau.name/dolbeau/files/sun-nvram-hostid.faq.html>  )
includes instructions on how to stop the clock on 3/80 and sun4c, and
those instructions can be adapted to at least sun4m and Ultra 1 (base
address & map-page stuff). They probably can be used on a Blade 100 as


Romain Dolbeau

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