Hi Tom
Does it have the FibreChannel disk controller? That is what my sunblade 2000 
has ( manufactured in 2002).

My experience with that ( two years ago) is that the driver has a bug 
preventing installation. I discussed this a few years ago. 

At the time, I was able to install OpenBsd, but that's not what I want. 
Good luck

On May 16, 2018 1:09:06 PM EDT, Thomas D Dial <td...@acm.org> wrote:
>I have a pet Sun Blade 1000, presently running Solaris 10, for which
>Oracle appears to offer no reasonable non-commercial support. FreeBSD
>support also appears somewhat moribund, and I would like to try the
>Debian port, which appears to be quite active and making progress
>toward first class status.
>The current ports page does not indicate specific support for the Blade
>1000. Is this likely to work on this fairly old, but very well built
>and still serviceable equipment?
>Are there known issues of which I ought to be aware before attempting
>Thanks in advance,
>Tom Dial

Sorry for being brief. Alternate email is rickleir at yahoo dot com 

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