2018-07-19 23:51 GMT+02:00 Chris Ross <cross+deb...@distal.com>:
> Can you confirm the version of grub that you've used to grub-install onto
> your disk,

t5120:~$ dpkg -l '*grub*' | grep ^ii
ii  grub-common       2.02+dfsg1-4 sparc64      GRand Unified
Bootloader (common files)
ii  grub-ieee1275     2.02+dfsg1-4 sparc64      GRand Unified
Bootloader, version 2 (Open Firmware version)
ii  grub-ieee1275-bin 2.02+dfsg1-4 sparc64      GRand Unified
Bootloader, version 2 (Open Firmware binaries)
ii  grub2-common      2.02+dfsg1-4 sparc64      GRand Unified
Bootloader (common files for version 2)

> and show me how your disk is labeled/partitioned?

Device      Start       End   Sectors   Size Id Type       Flags
/dev/sdd1       0    192779    192780  94.1M  1 Boot
/dev/sdd2  192780 286707979 286515200 136.6G  0 Unassigned
/dev/sdd3       0 286728119 286728120 136.7G  5 Whole disk

Pool on sdd2, of course.

>  Maybe mail me
> your grub.cfg off-list, so I can see how that compares to the one I'm trying
> to squeeze into the one on my ext disk.

Available on <http://www.dolbeau.name/dolbeau/files/grub.cfg>

> (Side question, can it break things to boot grub and it's config off of one
> /boot, then load root and have it configured to load a different /boot?)

I don't think so but I'm not an expert.

BTW, when I installed the system, I had the sdd1 /boot mounted on
/mnt/boot (ZFS root on /mnt).

After doing "grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg" (in chroot) the
pool name was missing in grub.cfg, only the dataset name was there. I
added the pool name by hand.

Then "grub-install --force  --skip-fs-probe /dev/sdd1" (also in chroot).

Don't remember anything special beyond that ... and a bit of elbow
grease :-) (several reboots to add the network interface
configuration, the console, right klibc, ...).

Cordially & good luck,

Romain Dolbeau

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