
J'essaie de recompiler (backporter) bochs-2.0.

apt-get build-dep bochs
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Build-Depends-Indep dependency on bochs cannot be satisfied because
the package bcc cannot be found

D'abord c'est quoi Build-Depends-Indep par rapport à Build-Depend (oui,
je sais, RTFM)

Et apparemment bcc n'existe qu'en version i386 ?

Ce qui n'empêche pas buildd de le trouver lui. Plus précisemment il est
déjà installé lors de la construction :

Automatic build of bochs_2.0rel-2 on voltaire by sbuild/powerpc 1.170
Build started at 20021230-0555
******* Checking available source versions...
Fetching source files...
Reading Package Lists...
Building Dependency Tree...
Need to get 3162kB of source archives.
Get:1  bochs 2.0rel-2 (dsc) [803B]
Get:2  bochs 2.0rel-2 (tar) [3143kB]
Get:3  bochs 2.0rel-2 (diff) [18.4kB]
Fetched 3162kB in 58s (54.1kB/s)
Download complete and in download only mode
** Using build dependencies supplied by package:
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 3.0.0), xlibs-dev, libncurses-dev,
libwxgtk2.3-dev, libsdl1.2-dev Build-Depends-Indep: bcc (>= 0.16.3-2),
bin86 (>= 0.16.3-2), perl, docbook-utils** Filtered missing central deps
that are dependencies of or provide build-deps: libncurses5-dev (>=
5.3.20021109-1) Checking for already installed source dependencies...
debhelper: missing
xlibs-dev: missing
libncurses-dev: missing
libwxgtk2.3-dev: missing
libsdl1.2-dev: missing
Checking for source dependency conflicts...
  /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/apt-get --purge $CHROOT_OPTIONS -q -y install
debhelper xlibs-dev libncurses-dev libwxgtk2.3-dev
Fin de citation

Alors comment je fais pour avoir bcc sur mon PPC ?

Merci d'avance

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