le Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 08:49:08AM +0100, daniel huhardeaux a ecrit:
> dellbian:/lib.old# lsattr *
> su--i-dA---X----- libcfont.so.0
man chattr:
       A  file with the `i' attribute cannot be modified: it can­
       not be deleted or renamed, no link can be created to  this
       file  and  no  data  can  be written to the file. Only the
       superuser can set or clear this attribute.

Donc je preconnise chattr -i libcfont.so.0 en root
puis rm licfont.so.0

J'ai gagne ?

        Unix IS user friendly , it is just selective about who his friends are.

       ARTUS Guillaume

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