On Sun, May 26, 2002 at 10:22:26PM +0200, Henning Glawe wrote:
> es geht nicht so sehr um das deb... ich habe mir upstream einmal näher
> angesehen, muss aber ehrlich sagen, daß mit allein aufgrund der größe
> doch etwas der überblick fehlt. 

Ja, so kann Mann es beschreiben :)

> das, was ich am lokalisierungsprinzip nicht verstehe, ist, warum nicht
> angedacht wurde, auf etwas wie gettext umzustellen, was die lokalization
> auf das erstellen eines .po reduzieren wuerde. (habe gerade eben mal
> nachgegooglet, aber die einzigen diskussionen, die zu 'openoffice i18n
> gettext' zu finden waren, sind in slovakisch und norwegisch geführt,
> beides sprachen, die ich nicht beherrsche)

Bitte schön:

---------- Forwarded message from Eike Rathke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 01:51:33 +0200
From: Eike Rathke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [l10n-dev] curiosity about gettext

Hi Martin,

On Thu, May 16, 2002 at 15:53:45 +0200, Martin Quinson wrote:

> I just wonder if switching to gettext for message catalogs lookup is
> actually considered,

To make things short: we won't use it.

> and what the pro and contra args are.

- Quite easy to use for code developers (if you don't have to maintain
  the PO/MO process, that is).
- Support of plural forms.
- Easy to handle during translation phase.
- New translations may be used as they become available.

- Not so easy to handle during build phase if texts change quite often
  due to heavy development.
- A change in a string of the source language makes it necessary to
  recompile the program code containing that string, additionally to the
  normal text extraction process.
- It is text only. As there are language dependent binaries, for example
  icons, we'd still need a second system for those.
- Our resource system combines various types of resources, for example,
  strings, menus, mnemonics, help IDs, list data, positions and sizes of
  dialog elements, icons, and possibly other binary data. Separating
  text from all that is not always feasible.
- Was gettext ever used in any large application like OOo with several
  thousands translated strings and if so, what were the results
  regarding reliability and performance?
- Last but not least: it's GPL. We can't use it.

Chris Halls | Frankfurt, Germany

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