* Michelle Konzack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[procmail vs. maildrop]

> Freks die Maildrop verwenden und Anti-Procmail aus prinzip sind.

Nein, sie kennen beide MDAs.

> Glaubste das "maildrop" besser ist ?


| maildrop is written in C++, and is significantly larger than
| procmail. However, it uses resources much more efficiently. Unlike
| procmail, maildrop will not read a 10 megabyte mail message into
| memory. Large messages are saved in a temporary file, and are filtered
| from the temporary file. If the standard input to maildrop is a file,
| and not a pipe, a temporary file will not be necessary.
| maildrop checks the mail delivery instruction syntax from the filter
| file, before attempting to deliver a message. Unlike procmail, if the
| filter file contains syntax errors, maildrop terminates without
| delivering the message. The user can fix the typo without causing any
| mail to be lost.

> Das verschwinden sogar mails im elektronischen nirwana.

Nein. Gerade procmail ist dafür bekannt, dass es gerne mal Mails
verschwinden lässt oder an falschen Stellen ablegt.

> "procmail" ist der leistungsfähigste Mailfilter.

Kannst Du das auch mit Fakten untermauern oder faselst Du nur?

"Enter that room, insect, and it will become your grave!"
                                 (Shodan in System Shock)

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