
Pesquisando, acabei compreendendo  melhor e descobri uma  solução para tocar
sons ao mesmo tempo usando o Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA).

O  que  acontece é  que  algumas  placas de  som  são  capazes de  processar
múltiplos sons  por vez, outras  não (geralmente  onboard ou as  placas mais
simples). Para estas últimas, existe um  plugin nativo do ALSA, chamado dmix
(direct mixer) que é  capaz de fazer a mixagem simultânea  em tempo real, de
forma transparente,  seja quantos  forem os  sons. Naturalmente há  um certo
custo de  processamento, mas  segundo experiências próprias,  é praticamente

E  para  habilitar  o  'dmix',   basta  editar  o  arquivo  de  configuração
~/.asoundrc (ou /etc/asound.conf para escopo global).

Testei  e  funcionou muito  bem  para  aplicativos  que  usam a  saída  ALSA
(diretamente),  como  por  exemplo  'alsaplayer',  'aplay',  'mplayer'  (-ao
alsa9),  etc. No caso  eu testei  usando o  'alsaplayer' e  'mplayer', sendo
que  abri cinco  instâncias do  'alsaplayer' e  uma do  'mplayer'. Funcionou

Ainda não consegui que algumas aplicações sem saída direta ALSA tire
proveito deste recurso, mas segundo o texto que replico abaixo, é possível

O texto foi tirado da  lista 'debian-user'[1]. Apesar de tê-lo achado depois
de ter resolvido o problema, ele está com uma abordagem bastante completa.


"Inspired  by a  very good  article about  ALSA in  the German  magazine c't
26/2003, I  finally got the  ALSA dmix plugin working  fine and thus  rid of
problems with  apps blocking each  other on sound playback,  without needing
any of the sound servers which all are unsatisfactory for me (not to mention
that I couldn't get  many of them working correctly at  all on my TiBook). I
thought I'd share my experience, hoping it will be useful for others.

First of all, you need to get  ALSA working to the point where you basically
hear correct sound. This shouldn't be hard with the Debian ALSA packages, in
particular with a 2.6 kernel, so I won't go into details here.

The next step is setting up ALSA to use the dmix plugin (official
documentation at

Put something like this in /etc/asound.conf or ~/.asoundrc:

  pcm.!default {
          type plug
          slave.pcm dmixer
  pcm.dmixer {
          type dmix
          ipc_key 1024 # This must be a unique IPC key (see ipcs output)
          ipc_key_add_uid true # UID will be added to IPC key
          slave {
                  pcm "hw:0"
                  period_time 0
                  period_size 1024 # Must be power of 2 for alsa-oss
                  buffer_size 8192 # ditto
                  rate 44100

This sets up a PCM device called  dmixer using the dmix plugin and overrides
the  default PCM  device to  use it  via the  conversion plugin,  which will
convert  the  sound format,  rate  and  number of  channels  on  the fly  if
necessary  (the dmix  plugin only  supports a  fixed constellation  of these
parameters due to the way it works).

Now you  should be  able to  use any number  of ALSA  apps concurrently. The
problem is that still only a minority of apps use ALSA directly, at least by
default. Luckily,  most (can)  use a  standard library  for sound  playback,
e.g. SDL; for those, you may have to set these environment variables:

AUDIODEV=default # This isn't necessary with the default device fix from

For OpenAL, I use

(define devices '(alsa sdl native))

in  ~/.openalrc, which  tells  it  to try  ALSA  first  (the current  OpenAL
packages in  Debian don't support ALSA  directly though), then SDL  and only
then direct access to /dev/dsp.

So  far,   so  good,  but  there's   still  the  odd  app   which  can  only
access  /dev/dsp directly  for  sound. That's what  alsa-oss  is for,  which
unfortunately  isn't available  in Debian  yet  (though I'm  told that  will
change after the  next DeMuDi release, planned for mid  January), but almost
as conveniently from

deb   unstable        main contrib non-free

(or  the  corresponding  deb-src  entry for  non-i386  users). It  works  by
preloading a library (libaoss) which translates direct access to OSS devices
into ALSA library calls. It provides a  script called aoss, but you probably
want to  add /usr/lib/ to the  LD_PRELOAD environment variable. It
also requires the following additions to the ALSA configuration:

pcm.dsp0 pcm.default
ctl.mixer0 "hw:0"

The major remaining problem for me is that xine doesn't work well with dmix,

My main  usage scenario has  been listening  to music with  alsaplayer while
playing armagetron. :)

Happy dmixing, and Happy New Year!

PS: I'm not subscribed to the debian-user list.

Earthling Michel Dänzer      |     Debian (powerpc), X and DRI developer
Software libre enthusiast    |";



Referências adicionais:

Douglas Augusto
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