-----Mensaje original-----
Para: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Fecha: lunes 27 de abril de 1998 11:13
Asunto: XWindows

> Pablo Sendin Ranha
> etset - Universidade de Vigo
> Monte Perdido Cuvi
> Asako Arroto, e as suas cinzas.
> Copyleft Karris 98
> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
>Hola. Tengo problemas con el XF86CONFIG, el mismo que utilizaba con la
>RedHat, pero con la Debian no funciona. Adjunto salida al llamar startx, y
>pido porfa que me respondais, porque ya he intentado todo.
>XFree86 Version 3.3 / X Window System (protocol Version 11, revision 0,
>vendor release 6300) Release Date: Jun 2 1997
> If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
> than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
> problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)  Operating System:
>Linux 2.0.21 i486 [ELF] Configured drivers:
>  VGA16: server for 4-bit colour VGA (Patchlevel 0):
>      ET4000, ET4000W32, ET4000W32i, ET4000W32i_rev_b, ET4000W32i_rev_c,
>      ET4000W32p, ET4000W32p_rev_a, ET4000W32p_rev_b, ET4000W32p_rev_c,
>      ET4000W32p_rev_d, ET6000, et3000, ncr77c22, ncr77c22e, ati,
>      sis86c202, sis86c205, tvga8200lx, tvga8800cs, tvga8900b, tvga8900c,
>      tvga8900cl, tvga8900d, tvga9000, tvga9000i, tvga9100b, tvga9200cxr,
>      tgui9320lcd, tgui9400cxi, tgui9420, tgui9420dgi, tgui9430dgi,
>      tgui9440agi, tgui96xx, cyber938x, oti067, oti077, oti087, oti037c,
>      cl6410, cl6412, cl6420, cl6440, generic
>  MONO: server for interlaced and banked monochrome graphics adaptors
>        (Patchlevel 0):
>      hgc1280, sigmalview, apollo9, hercules (using VT number 7)
>XF86Config: /etc/X11/XF86Config (**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for
>probed/default values (**) XKB: keycodes: "xfree86" (**) XKB: types:
>"default" (**) XKB: compat: "default" (**) XKB: symbols: "us(pc101)"  (**)
>XKB: geometry: "pc"  (**) XKB: rules: "xfree86"  (**) XKB: model: "pc101"
>(**) XKB: layout: "es" (**) Mouse: type: Microsoft, device: /dev/mouse,
>baudrate: 1200 (**) VGA16: Graphics device ID: "Generic VGA" (**) VGA16:
>Monitor ID: "Generic Monitor" (--) VGA16: Mode "640x400" needs vert
>refresh rate of 69.93 Hz. Deleted.  (--) VGA16: Mode "800x600" needs hsync
>freq of 35.16 kHz. Deleted. (--) VGA16: Mode "640x480" needs hsync freq of
>36.46 kHz. Deleted. (--) VGA16: Mode "800x600" needs hsync freq of 37.88
>kHz. Deleted. (--) VGA16: Mode "800x600" needs hsync freq of 48.08 kHz.
>Deleted. (--) VGA16: Mode "1024x768" needs hsync freq of 48.36 kHz.
>Deleted.  (--) VGA16: Mode "1024x768" needs hsync freq of 56.48 kHz.
>Deleted.  (--) VGA16: Mode "1024x768" needs hsync freq of 62.50 kHz.
>Deleted.  (--) VGA16: Mode "1280x1024" needs hsync freq of 64.25 kHz.
>Deleted.  (--) VGA16: Mode "1280x1024" needs hsync freq of 78.86 kHz.
>Deleted.  (--) VGA16: Mode "1280x1024" needs hsync freq of 81.13 kHz.
>Deleted.  (--) VGA16: Mode "320x200" needs vert refresh rate of 69.93 Hz.
>Deleted.  (--) VGA16: Mode "320x240" needs hsync freq of 39.38 kHz.
>Deleted.  (--) VGA16: Invalid vertical timing for mode "400x300". Deleted.
>(--) VGA16: Mode "400x300" needs hsync freq of 37.88 kHz. Deleted. (--)
>VGA16: Mode "400x300" needs hsync freq of 48.08 kHz. Deleted. (--) VGA16:
>Mode "480x300" needs hsync freq of 35.16 kHz. Deleted. (--) VGA16: Mode
>"480x300" needs hsync freq of 37.80 kHz. Deleted. (--) VGA16: Mode
>"480x300" needs hsync freq of 39.56 kHz. Deleted.  (--) VGA16: Mode
>"480x300" needs hsync freq of 48.00 kHz. Deleted.
>Config Error: /etc/X11/XF86Config:436
>Section "Files"
>               ^^ File section keyword expected
>_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111 giving up.  xinit:
>Connection refused (errno 111):  unable to connect to X server xinit:  No
>such process (errno 3):  Server error.
Comprueba que la primera linea del fichero /etc/X11/Xserver apunte al
servidor adecuado (en tu caso creo que es el /usr/X11R6/bin/tuservidor)
Además, comprueba que el xf86config grabe la configuración en
/etc/X11/XF86Config .

A ver si así funciona.
A mi, me funcionó. Y como no hay que apuntarse medallas ajenas, te diré que
esta solución me la dió el amigo Enrique Zanardi la vez que se me planteó el
mismo problema .
Hasta otra .

                Juan Carlos  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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