Hola, Rudy:

Rudy Godoy escribió en linux.debian.user.spanish:


> Primero, no existen paquetes o dispositivos de seguridad en woody, los
> paquetes de security.d.o son actualizaciones de seguridad (por errores, o
> vulnerabilidades) el software qeu se distribuye en Debian.


custer:~# apt-cache search harden
bastille - Security hardening tool
harden - Makes your system hardened.
harden-3rdflaws - Avoid packages with security problems.
harden-clients - Avoid clients that are known to be insecure.
harden-development - Development tools for creating more secure programs.
harden-doc - Useful documentation to secure a Debian system.
harden-environment - Hardened system environment.
harden-localflaws - Avoid packages with security holes.
harden-nids - Harden a system by using a network intrusion detection system.
harden-remoteaudit - Audit your system from this host.
harden-remoteflaws - Avoid packages with security holes.
harden-servers - Avoid servers that are known to be insecure.
harden-surveillance - Check services and/or servers automaticly.
harden-tools - Tools to enhance or analyze the security of the local system.

A la cama no te irás, sin saber otra cosa más.

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