On Fri, 01 Nov 2002 19:37:14 GMT, Colin Watson writes:
>On Fri, Nov 01, 2002 at 07:49:09PM +0100, Robert Waldner wrote:
>> >>   keyserver the.earth.li
>> I've never ever heard of "the.earth.li" before, for example. Does it 
>>  sync with something sensible (like keyserver.net)? Or do you expect 
>>  people to regularly search the wide 'net for each&every me-too - server 
>>  that's out there. Or not.
>the.earth.li == wwwkeys.uk.pgp.net. It's no me-too server. I just happen
>to use the first name because I've been using it since before it was

I knew that, I was only picking it up as an example, the question 
 itself was meant more generally, and altogether serious. Let me 
 rephrase that:

To which keyserver is one expected to upload ones key, so that everyone 
 on this (and near every other, for that matter) list will be able to
 get it?

Me myself, I prefer keyserver.net, some others use keys.pgp.com, then 
 there's *.pgp.net and http://www.cert.dfn.de/dfnpca/pgpkserv/
 And surely, there's a ton of others out there. All of them? 
 Impossible. A select few? Which ones, which criteria, will fit everyone 
 (or as close as matters)?

/ Ing. Robert Waldner | Security Engineer |  CoreTec IT-Security  \
\   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   | T +43 1 503 72 73 | F +43 1 503 72 73 x99 /

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