hi ya chet

On Fri, 1 Nov 2002, Chet wrote:
>         I have a user that has one of his domains, user1.com, pointing his
> other domain, user2.com via the dns zone file.  He asked me to redirect
> his user1.com domain to
> his new domain user3.com.  I changed the entry in his user1.com zone file
> to point to the new user3.com domain, which is up.  Bind version is
> 9.2.1.  I also up dated the
> serial and then ran a rndc reload.  I did this to both the primairy and
> secondary dns servers and user1.com still points to user2.com.  I did a
> dig
> for the information and the ip address for user1.com still comes up as the
> ip of user2.com.  I thought maybe it was cached information so I then ran
> a rndc flush and it still comes up wrong.  Any suggestions or thoughts?

if you did your tests on the primary/secondary dns servers for user1.com
and user2.com ... all data should be purrfect ( new set of data )
        the test machines you used points to the dns server whose files
        you just changed

if you did your "dns tests" from the outside world using their own
dns servers... you might hae to wait 12-24-26-46hrs for all the data to
propagate out 

if you mean ping www.user1.com   points to ping www.user2.com
        - thats just a virtual hosting on user2...
        - make the ip# of www in named.user1.com dns files to be the 
        desired ip# on  the server www.user2.com
                ( same ip# or different ip# -- both ways would work )

> I also have had a few accounts disappear and was wondering if anyone

(user) "accounts" should not disappear ??

- if in reference to email
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]   needs to get redirected to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        in the /etc/mail/virtusertable files

- if the domain user1.com is killed.. no domain by that name..
        - they're stuck :-)  .. worth keeping the domain alive
        at $9.00/yr just to avoid these problems??

- if they are just going to a different isp...
        - its all solvables... /etc/aliases for email forwarding
        - move /home/user/html_stuff to new place

have fun

> had a similar issue.  I think it might be an internal problem but was
> wondering if anyone else ever had a similar issue.  I did a search in the
> archive for dns redirect
> and accounts disappearing but could not find anything.  Any input would be
> appreciated.  Thanks.

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