Cecil wrote:
I am curious as to what the pros and cons would be of picking just one desktop and deleting the other. Please tell me which you prefer, and resons why. I have bothe kde and gnome now. Thanks,

In GNOME try printing in the default installs of gpdf (PDF), ggv (Postscript), Epiphany (web browser), or Abiword (word processor) to name a few.

Unless something has changed since last I checked, you get nothing but a text field that takes a command string for lpr. That is to say, you don't get a drop down list of configured local or network printers. That's awfully backward for a modern GUI environment.

I choose neither. There are too many layers of automated cruft such that when something breaks or fails to work (and it always does), fixing or even identifying the problem is no simple proposition. The resource usage is sick. Just let me have a top level dot file in my home directory, one where I don't have to hassle with the redundancy of xml tags and 4 levels of nesting to modify simple behavioral attributes.

Also, as a matter of principle I simply can not deal with a monstrous settings daemon wasting more resources than many GUI applications. Perhaps this can be taken care of at compile time, but the reason I don't use a source based distribution is because I'm not willing to take the time to hassle with that.

So I do without, and don't much mind it.


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