> > For me kde/gnome have their place for M$ refugees but I don't like 
> > them myself.
> Be nice, now.  I haven't touched a Windows system in months, 
> and haven't really used one regularly since the '90s.  I'm 
> hardly what you'd call a "M$ refugee" but I love KDE
> -- 
> Kirk Strauser
> In Googlis non est, ergo non est.

Please, this is not intended as a catalyst for outrage, but I have tried
KDE (debian), Gnome (redhat), MacOSX and XP, out of the four, I would
choose XP, I think it is better than the other as a gui, and just a more
mature and robust product.

Between KDE and Gnome, I prefered Gnome, KDE seems like it's for people
who want to tweak endless settings.

Mostly I use mc via putty for windows on XP.
mc is fantastic, and as a fond user of nc for dos, I have to say it is
usually the first thing I install, regardless which distro I'm using.


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