On Wed, Jun 23, 2004 at 01:58:42PM +0200, Paal Marker wrote:
> I need to prevent a box from blanking out.
> In redhat8 I could succesfully put this section in the end of 
> /etc/X11/XF86Config
> Section "Serverflags"
>       Option      "BlankTime"    "0"   
>       Option      "StandbyTime"  "0"
>       Option      "SuspendTime"  "0"
>       Option      "OffTime"      "0"
> EndSection
> The result of putting in this section is that the X server will not start
> By googling I found that this syntax could also be used
> Section "Serverflags"
>       Option      "blank time"    "0"    
>       Option      "standby time"  "0"
>       Option      "suspend time"  "0"
>       Option      "off time"      "0"
> EndSection
> Same result, no X
> startx gives error message: 
> Option      "blank time"    "0"          server flags section keyword 
> expected
> I copied the serverflags section from redhat8's XF86Config, where it worked 
> fine. 
> What does debian demand of syntax here?

I've got "xset s off" in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc. Works fine.


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