On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 12:49:46 -0700
Paul Yeatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ->>In response to your message<<-
>   --received from Jacob S.--
> >
> > On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 11:58:50 -0700
> > Paul Yeatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > Hmmmm.  Thanks for the suggestion.  I did as you said and changed
> > > my initial selection "esddsp" to "auto".  Start esd, 'esd &'.
> > > Start mozilla.  Go to a flash site;  Freezes.  I then set it back
> > > to esddsp just to test it again.  Same thing.  I also tried
> > > "artdsp" and flash runs and without killing my browser but no
> > > sound. Same thing with "none" as would be expected.  So . . . not
> > > sure what to say :)
> > 
> > hmm... I would think it shouldn't work at all if this were the case,
> > but - what happens if you do a "whereis esddsp"? Do you have the
> > package esound-clients installed?
> What more specifically is the case in your "case" above :)

Your case where killing esd makes it restart esd and flash works,
otherwise you have no sound... if esddsp was not installed. I was also
thinking there was an off chance that it was not really restarting esd,
but was instead falling back to plain oss, but alas we weren't that
fortunate. :-)
> whereis esddsp gives
>     ~$ whereis esddsp
>     esddsp: /usr/bin/esddsp /usr/share/man/man1/esddsp.1.gz
> Yes, esound-clients is installed.

I don't know whether I should say good or too bad.

> > 
> > For grins you might also try setting it back to artdsp and then go
> > to the KDE Control Center and tell it to have artsd use esd for
> > sound output. (Probably need to do this part as root.)
> Hmmm, I'm currently running gnome and don't have kde installed to
> any degree at this point.  Would possibly running kde over gnome
> offer a solution?

Ah, I wouldn't bother installing kde just to try that idea then. I doubt
it would work, but was throwing ideas out in the odd chance that it
would turn up the problem for us.


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