On Thu, 2004-07-22 at 05:10, nx13372 wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using kernel 2.4.26-1-686-smp.
> I have a dual xeon box. If in the bios i enable the HT i'll get 4 cpus, 
> if not i'll get 2 cpus.
> What is bettter?

Think about your question.

Speaking Hypothetically on idealogical designs:

Without hyperthreading you have 2 Things doing MANY MANY small and big
jobs. Sort of like having a 500HP motor on each your lawn mowers. Big,
clunky not AS flexible.

With HyperThreading you 4 smaller things (each 1/2 the capacity of the
the nonHT processors) doing many many small and big jobs. Sort of like
having having a 240HP(with turbo boost to ~ 480HP if needed) motor on
each of your lawn mowers. 4 Smaller, powerful and yet more flexible to
do the job, the power is distributed based on need.

I think the answer is clear.

The technology that is
Stronger, better, faster: Linux

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