On Mon, Aug 16, 2004 at 09:26:53PM -0400, Brian Pack wrote:
> My posts on the usenet mirror aren't making the web archive, So I'm
> chiming in here.
> From what I've seen, it's multiple ISPs with the problem. I haven't
> received any list mail since Saturday night, when the usual load is
> hundreds per day. The usenet mirror is not showing it's usual load.
> I haven't changed anything on my end. The feed just dried up.
> There is no increased spam in my ISPs spam folder. The messages aren't
> even getting *to* the ISP.
> Since the problem is not unique to me or my ISP, I would be inclined to
> look further upstream for the problem.

Hi Brian, and other emailess souls,
I'm not a network guru, but would a traceroute from your isp to the
debian mail host from all you guys possibly narrow down the point of the


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...."Have you mooed today?"...

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