Loki wrote:

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On Thu, 26 Aug 2004, Adam Funk wrote:

On Wednesday 25 August 2004 20:10, Adam Funk wrote:

How do you enable APM or ACPI in the kernel?

Let me rephrase that. How can I enable ACPI in a stock Debian kernel?
(I have no experience in compiling my own kernel.)

Maybe it's my BSD roots showing, but I encourage everybody to learn to compile their own kernels. There's a pretty good howto available for Debian kernel compilation at http://newbiedoc.sourceforge.net/system/kernel-pkg.html.

I think it's a good learning process to be able to roll your own, but just to get standard hardware features to work, it's a bit overkill for the majority of new users coming into the GNU/Linux camp. (Still, as Loki says, it's a good thing to know how to do.)

I think what Adam might want to do is to run "modconf", go down to the "kernel/drivers/acpi" section, and install any necessary features in that manner. (I think different versions of modconf look different, so if you're not running Sid you may have to search a bit in modconf to find the right stuff, but this should give you a start.)

Kent West

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