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On Tue, 31 Aug 2004, Brian Pack wrote:

On Tue, 2004-08-31 at 13:16, Alvin Oga wrote:
On Tue, 31 Aug 2004, Brian Pack wrote:

I'm making progress. By adding video=vesa vga=0x317 I get a blank screen
up to the point that X starts. That's not a problem for now, because I
know I'm on the right track. I'm recompiling a kernel right now that has
vesa included, and not a module, as well as console framebuffer support.

the blank screen means you dont have the proper frame buffer defined ( same probelm as my stuff ... just need to tweek the various fb options )

Once I get that, *then* I can start playing with the bootsplash patch.

i'd do the same tests ( same kernel ) on machines that you know worked on other distro ( like suse-9.1 has splash by default ) so it should work for deb's splash too - not all mb and not all chipsets are "the same" :-)

yup...  and when you're done .. you can come play on my brain-dead mb too
with gazillion different chipset to see which works and which does not
support tux on boot or splash

I compiled a new kernel, with vesa included instead of a module, same for console framebuffer. Added video=vesa and vga=0x317 in menu.lst for grub.

I've got Tux! :)

But you won't be enjoying all the features that your vga card (Nvidia)
is capable of. If the kernel has support for Nvidia include it too. Find
the arguments required to pass to the Nvidia module. And try with that.
You might get better results. I had the same on my Intel 815e chipset mb
with on-board vga where I used Intel FB which rocks better than vesa.


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