On Wed, 2004-09-01 at 11:29, Anders Karlsson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Brian Pack wrote:
> | Are you certain about that? The nvidia logo pops up when x starts, so
> | I'm pretty sure I've got the drivers running properly at that point.
> VESA FB != Nvidia FB != X Driver
> VESA frame buffer code relies on gfx cards having implemented an old
> 'common' standard. If there was an Nvidia fb driver, you could probably
> get various extra features switched on for your fb console. Not sure
> there is an Nvidia framebuffer driver even.
> The X driver for your Nvidia card is a completely different kettle of
> fish. Besides, you can disable that Nvidia logo when X starts up. Have a
> gander at the README that comes with the Nvidia drivers.

On a hunch (following your suggestion) I replaced video=vesa with
video=nvidia. I've still got Tux. Suprised the heck outta me. :)

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