On Wed, 2004-09-15 at 15:50, Carl Fink wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 15, 2004 at 10:58:11AM -0700, Zachary Rizer wrote:
> > I have a related question: My fonts are too large
> > (10pt, as opposed to my desired 8pt) in gtk-based apps
> > until I run the gnome-control-center, and open the
> > font properties, then merely close the box.  (I don't
> > have to change any values.)  I have to do this every
> > time I start X windows; and it's a real pain.  Is
> > there another way around this?
> You don't specify your distribution.  I personally would submit this
> as a bug report.

Well, it's not a Debian-specific bug. This happened to me in SuSE Pro
9.1, and now I still have to do the same thing, and I'm running Sid.

If I'm in GNOME, I don't have to do anything. In Fluxbox or KDE, I have
to do the above.

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