On Mon, Oct 18, 2004 at 11:06:22AM -0500 or thereabouts, John Fleming wrote:
> Any reason why the Debian Webmin wouldn't pick up the previous information?  I
> would have thought on first run of the new application, it would pick up the
> system configs.
> Yes, I do have the appropriate modules installed in Webmin.

>> I don't think it's related to your previous install.  I just noticed
>> yesterday that my system-related crontab stuff had disappeared in Webmin
>> too.  I think I remember that when I did my last apt-get upgrade (sometime
>> in the last few days), there was an upgrade to webmin.  Apparently
>> something's changed!  I remember logging into Webmin to make sure it was
>> still working, but I hadn't put the upgrade together with my crontab stuff
>> disappearing until now!  I think we just have to wait until it's upgraded
>> again.  (Apparently not quite ready for the stable release.)  - John

Thanks John.


Can anyone else comment on whether this is happening to them as well? Perhaps
time to run 'reportbug'?

  Monday Oct 18 2004 03:31:01 PM EDT
Majority, n.:
        That quality that distinguishes a crime from a law.

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