On Wed, Oct 20, 2004 at 09:00:43AM -0400 or thereabouts, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Oct 2004, S.D.A. wrote:
> > On Mon, Oct 18, 2004 at 11:06:22AM -0500 or thereabouts, John Fleming wrote:

> > > Any reason why the Debian Webmin wouldn't pick up the previous
> > > information?  I would have thought on first run of the new
> > > application, it would pick up the system configs.

> > > Yes, I do have the appropriate modules installed in Webmin.

> > >> I don't think it's related to your previous install.  I just noticed
> > >> yesterday that my system-related crontab stuff had disappeared in Webmin
> > >> too.  I think I remember that when I did my last apt-get upgrade (sometime
> > >> in the last few days), there was an upgrade to webmin.  Apparently
> > >> something's changed!  I remember logging into Webmin to make sure it was
> > >> still working, but I hadn't put the upgrade together with my crontab stuff
> > >> disappearing until now!  I think we just have to wait until it's upgraded
> > >> again.  (Apparently not quite ready for the stable release.)  - John

> > Thanks John.

> > Interesting.

> > Can anyone else comment on whether this is happening to them as well? Perhaps
> > time to run 'reportbug'?

> In the last update I added an upstream fix for the cron module.  Looks
> like it broke something.  Investigating...

It's not just the CRON module, but pretty much everything is borked. I cannot
read my Apache logs, fetchmail config, etc.

I noticed when attempting to file a bug report via reportbug, that this package
has _been orphaned by Debian_.

This is not good, I truly wish I'd known this before I trashed my upstream
working version and switched to the Debian package. I only switched because I
wasnted to keep everything vanilla Debian.

I think there should be a warning given when one attempts to install such a
package, via either apt-get, or aptitude. The warning should mention that the
package is orphaned, and to use at your own risk.

Looks like one should probably use the upstream version, since it's probably
unlikely that anyone is going to adopt this package, OR are you saying that the
upstream vesion is borked to?

  Wednesday Oct 20 2004 10:21:01 AM EDT
The only time a dog gets complimented is when he doesn't do anything.
                -- C. Schulz

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