On Sun, Nov 10, 2002 at 12:50:45PM -0500, DEbian/Gnu/Linux User Tony wrote:
> Last fresh installation (about the 4th) I made of Woody was in some old 
> pentium 2 - 350 mhz, with not much to show. To get things right from the 
> beginning I used this time a trick: First I had run piggy (the installer 
> from Progeny) and then knoppix. I copied the settings for X and the 
> modules used into a floppy, since the hardware detection was so 
> wonderfully done. Then, made a fresh installation of woody, recompiled 
> the kernel with all needed modules, copied directly from the floppy the 
> X config file, and now I have a completely painless Debian woody 
> machine. So, I am wondering, why don't we integrate Knoppix and Piggy's 
> capabilities into Debian, and make them part of the upcoming 
> distributions? 

Debian runs on 13 different architectures.  Knoppix and Progeny run on
maybe one or two of those.  Until there's an auto-detecting, GUI-based
installer that offers the same power as the current installer, and runs
on all 13 (which of course could increase by the time sarge is released
with Debian Hurd, Debian FreeBSD, etc...) architectures, then it's not
going to become Debian's default installer.

That said, there seems to be a lot of work going into getting PGI to the
stage where it could be used to install Debian on x86 at least.  Sarge
is still a long way out, so who knows...

Also, if you install discover, mdetect and read-edid, then the Debian X
packages will be able to (well, as much as anything can) auto-detect
your video card, mouse and monitor, respectively.


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