On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 05:47, Rob Weir wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 10, 2002 at 04:11:38PM -0500, Mark L. Kahnt wrote:
> > That is what I've been doing, but not a single additional data byte ever
> > comes, with wget or ftp reget or whatever else. While I've had this
> > problem with http transfers in the past on some large files
> > (multi-megabytes usually) from *certain* websites, only the Knoppix ISOs
> > have been a problem on Debian (although the Red Hat ISOs I tried to get
> > for a client on his Windows XP system also had this problem - she was
> > insistent that she wanted Red Hat, and knew I'd charge her less for my
> > consulting time if I could do the download on her office bandwidth.) It
> > is frustrating, and the main reason I want it is not for my machines,
> > but for a friend to have a non-destructive way to try Linux on his XP
> > box before he adds a second drive and has space to install a proper o/s
> > (which I know he'll have me look after - installing the drive and then
> > Linux - I'll probably even be administering the system for him over ssh
> > after that.)
> Is there a transparent proxy somewhere between you and the server?
> Maybe it's got a corrupt copy of the ISO and just keeps feeding you
> that...
> -rob

Y'know, now that you mention that, it sounds like the only *logical*
answer, and I have been calling on the larger sites on the mirror list,
such as PlanetMirror and Leo.org - if any are to be proxy'd, those are
obvious candidates. Time to start analysing the paths (well, when I get
a few more urgent tasks done.)
ML Kahnt New Markets Consulting
Tel: (613) 531-8684 / (613) 539-0935

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