
I not use Matlab, but Maple (since a while) on my Debian (Sarge) box:
some lib so files that come  with Maple 9 are processor specific,
if you use the bad ones, certain numerical calculations
(such ones which involve large matrices) get far slower.
When I installed Maple 9 on my Debian box, I was suspicious about
the choice made by the installation, so I wrote a test script to
figure out the best choice: if I remember well, the choice made by the
installation was not the fastest one.
May be, the Windows Installer is simply better than the Linux Installer.


Martijn Bosch wrote:

I am using Matlab 6.5 with Linux as we speak (as I type..), and I have the feeling it is responds slower than on Windows. I must admit that I don't have any hard numbers on that, just the previous Windows-experience on the same pc.
I don't know about hard calculations (can't imagine big differences), but the swap story could be true. Running Matlab really 'blocks' my system (dual p2-450, 392mb) and I can't remember that from Windows.


Thanhvu Nguyen wrote:

Hi, I hope my question is not too off topic here since Debian is a popular
choice in scientific computing lab and therefore hopefully someone will
have experience with Matlab running on it. Also since I am considering
getting Matlab 7.0 on my Debian home machine so probably this is the right
group to ask in.

My question is about the Performance of Matlab running on Linux vs on Windows. I have seen Matlab 6.5 running on Linux *twice* as slow as on Windows, e.g a 30 minute routine runs on Matlab 6.5 Windows take an hour or more on Matlab 6.5 Linux (same machine specs of course)

What's your experience ? how is the performance of Matlab 7.0 on Linux vs
Windows ?

Thanks in advance,

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