On Sun, 2004-12-26 at 12:48 +0100, Jon-Eirik Pettersen wrote:
> Sam Watkins wrote:
> > For example, windows XP and Max OS X have a user-interface for switching
> > between multiples users' desktops.  We don't have such an interface in
> > Debian / under X as far as I know, but it possible to do the same sort
> > of thing from the command line, it's just that no one has gone to the
> > trouble to make a "click-and-drool" way to do this yet ;)
> Isn't that being implemented in KDE 3.4?

What's wrong with Ctrl+Alt+F[8-12]? (Or does KDE not support multiple
logins ala gdmflexiserver?)

Alex Malinovich
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