On Fri, May 27, 2005 at 02:44:28PM -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
> Hi all;
> Second, I wish make-kpkg would have better support for ccache, like a
> --ccache flag or something.  Yes, I can change my PATH to use
> /usr/lib/ccache but I don't like this method.  I'd prefer to override
> the kernel CC variable, but I can't find any way to do that from the
> make-kpkg command line (why can't make-kpkg simply any arguments that
> are variable assignments down into the kernel make?)
Hi Paul,
just a shot in the dark...
Does make-kpkg pay attention to the 'alternatives' system WRT the 'c'
option? if it did, would it make sense to point the link to
/usr/lib/ccache or what ever ccache uses?
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