On Fri, May 27, 2005 at 05:59:08AM -0400, Charles Hallenbeck wrote:
> I am a newbie to Debian, a Slackware convert, but not a newbie 
> otherwise. I compile my own kernels since I use a set of kernel patches 
> to support speech synthesizer to the console, called "speakup". A 
> precompiled kernel for 2.4.27 package got me started with an 
> installation disk, but I quickly got me a 2.6.11 source package, patched 
> it for speech access, installed it on Sarge, and then went on a binge 
> adding stuff to my system, like a kid in a candy store.
> I recently read the FAQ by the guy at Cornell (forgive me for not 
> looking up your name) and was persuaded that it made sense for me to 
> move on over to unstable rather than following Sarge to stable or 
> staying with testing, and as I posted here, that upgrade went smooth as 
> silk. But now I see I have put myself beyond the reach of the Debian 
> security team, without a graceful way to go back.
> Oh well. I will just have to live on the edge and keep an eye out for 
> problems. (okay, an ear!)
> Chuck
Hi Chuck,
Any time someone mentions 'speakup', it peeks my interest to know how
linux is advancing towards better  support for people with vision
difficulties. Have you ever made a comparison between support in the
OS's you have used? Do you have any articles documenting your
experiences? I am working with a group trying to bring Free software to
youth and while we have had supported student who speak non-english languages 
-- chinese, we have
not had anyone with vision difficulties. It would be helpful to have
someone who is using Debian comment upon this as that is what we use.
Thanks for your time and consideration,
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