On Sat, May 28, 2005 at 12:09:45AM -0400, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> I'm consideeing adding functinoality to a Debian package.
> But I have no experience with source packages and the like.
> It seems to be distributed in two parts: a .tar.gz file,
> and a set of diffs applied to that.
> What's the proper way to make the source for the current version?
> And, if I should succeed, what's the proper way to send the changes
> upstream?
> -- hendrik
Hi Hendrik,
here is a basic outline:
get upstream source (foo.tar.gz)
rename it to foo.orig.tar.gz 
this is to keep the original source and the modified debian source
then you make a copy of the directory to work on
then you modify the files in the copy to work with debian 
then you create a 'diff' that is called foo.diff.gz
then you create source .deb package and a binary .deb package
then you or a sponsor uploads the files to the debian 'new' package
someone will inspect it to make sure it meets debian policy and security
standards. If its ok, it is uploaded to 'unstable'
http://debian.home.pipeline.com for a picture of this process by me.

there is a few places to get help:
read the debian developers guide
read the debian new maintainers guide
join the debian mentor list
here is a cool url by a debian developer (lars)
counter.li.org #238656 -- goto counter.li.org and be counted!
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