Michelle Konzack wrote:
> OK, I have curently around 220.000 MAILDIR-Messages of the LKM in
> my Folder on a FileServer which is a Sempron 2200 with 256 MByte.
> Open the Folder with mutt takes around 57 seconds via NFS/100MBit

    Yessss, and if we were paying attention we'd see that I was talking about
doing file operations like... ls, grep, etc.

> In summary:     If you have big mailboxes, like mailinglists,
>                 you will go better with Maildir or IMAP

    Only if you never, ever intend to touch the database with any normal file
tools.  And if that is the case one is better off with a real database instead
of a trumped up one based off the concept of "the filesystem is a database".

> ???  -  Mutt uses hashes to find the right one
> and do not need to rescan the whole Maildir.

    File operations.  Where did I say mutt.  Keep up here.  We're talking
about when things cannot be done through the normal means, IE, the mail
client.  Like, sayyyyy, when accessing the mail over a slow link (DSL, not
100Mbit) and the client timing out before the server is done sending everything.

> Opneing a file of 500 MByte as you told before
> and the edit by hand ?  -  Are you dreaming ?

    No.  Been doing it for years for emergency modification of customer data
when things go to crap.

> Hmmm, I am using Maildir sind my last Windoze is gone, which mean,
> since 04/1999 and never had problems with Maildir or lost a message.

> You mus do something wrong!

    Never said maildir lost a message.  I did point out that in the past 10+
years of direct experience with mbox I have never lost a message, either.
Meanwhile in the past several years of maildir I *have* experienced severe
problems in dealing with customer problems based on the simple fact that basic
file operations, ls, grep foo *, etc, take several minutes to complete or
don't work at all.

>         I do not like to think on daily Incremental-Backups of around
>         50 GByte Mailboxes, because you need to backup ALL changed.

>         On my Maildirsystem I have only 20 MByte per day.

    Never heard of diff, eh?  Pity.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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