On Mon, 2005-06-06 at 11:30 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
> Michelle Konzack wrote:
> > OK, I have curently around 220.000 MAILDIR-Messages of the LKM in
> > my Folder on a FileServer which is a Sempron 2200 with 256 MByte.
> > Open the Folder with mutt takes around 57 seconds via NFS/100MBit
>     Yessss, and if we were paying attention we'd see that I was talking about
> doing file operations like... ls, grep, etc.
> > In summary:     If you have big mailboxes, like mailinglists,
> >                 you will go better with Maildir or IMAP
>     Only if you never, ever intend to touch the database with any normal file
> tools.  And if that is the case one is better off with a real database instead
> of a trumped up one based off the concept of "the filesystem is a database".


I "grep -r" my ~/Maildir on a regular basis.  Works like a charm.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA
PGP Key ID 8834C06B I prefer encrypted mail.

"Liberals are people who can read '1984' and 'Animal Farm' and
still think it doesn't mean them."
Anonymous Coward

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