
>       The headers were included in libc5-dev after a rash of very
>  buggy alpha kernel releases (1.3.7* or something like that) that
>  proceeded to break compilations, etc.  Kernel versions are changed
>  far more rapidly than libc is, and there are higer chances that
>  people install a custom kernel than they install custom libc.

I strongly ask the ppl to think about this. This is a MAJOR difference from
debian to the rest of the linux community. It even violates the
recommedations from Linus himself (in the Kernels readme). Broken Headers
due to instable Kernelinstalls are realy not a concern we should have. The
System will just run fine, and those who install a new kernel and then
compile a program are experienced enough to know how to get new version of
the kernel if it wont work.

I mean every single compiler run in the linux community is done with the
actual kernelsources, why should we change this and act like we dont belong
to linux?

Programs which needs the linux/ and asm/ include-files have a reason to use
them. A lot of programs compile dependingly of the kernelsource (for example
the net-tools).

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