[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Engel) writes:

> > The MIT pthread library 1.60 beta2 seems to work.  It passed most of tests
> > in the MIT pthread package. The pthread libraries are not installed by


> Would someone like to test the pthread library that is built?  You'll
> need to get the libc5 source and recompile the entire package
> yourself.  If libpthread proves to work, I'll include it in either the
> next libc5 package or a separate libpthread package.

We've been using pthreads in the lab for a while, but we had to get
1.60 beta 4 (I think there's an even newer one now) because beta 2
still had a number of bugs that made it unusable.  It'd be really nice
to have the library included in Debian's libc (or as a separate
package).  Maintaining a separate version of pthreads on top of
Debian's libc5's been a pain.  

Note that we may need a separate pthreads package since pthreads
includes wrappers for gcc/g++ to make sure you compile with the right
headers and libraries.  Or perhaps that wouldn't be an issue if
Debian's libc were already compiled with the support.  I'm not sure.


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