David Engel writes:
   [ chopped pthreads related release notes ]
 >Would someone like to test the pthread library that is built?  You'll
 >need to get the libc5 source and recompile the entire package
 >yourself.  If libpthread proves to work, I'll include it in either the
 >next libc5 package or a separate libpthread package.

I spent the day downloading and then compiling the source for libc-5.3.12
off of sunsite.  It all compiled fine, except for the one struct
definition in include/pthread/mit/sys/compat.h, which I just ifdefed out.

I put the resulting library in /usr/lib, and tried it out
with a really simple test program, and it worked.  I'm also
happy to note that I haven't had any problems with the new
C library yet, although I haven't been beating on it much.


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