On Aug 13,  8:09am, Richard G. Roberto wrote:
> Subject: Problems with aha1542.o ...
: I did an strace -f on it and it seems that its
: unable to find its irq.  I can't find any way to pass a
: parameter to the module to tell it what irq I'm on (10)!

You can include the IRQ using a comma, as in:

  append = "aha1542=0x234,10"

It took me a while to search this down, but the documentation (thanks
to LDP) is available at:


The syntax for the 'aha1542=' line is:


This should, at minimum, allow you to include the IRQ.

I hope that helps!

Chris -)-----

Christopher R. Hertel -)-----                   University of Minnesota
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              Networking and Telecommunications Services

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