Hakan Ardo writes:
> I'm trying to use lyx, and it works fine untill it invokes latex. Then it 
> seems to be using some fonts that I have not installed. Where can I find 
> those 
> fonts (listed below)? Acording to /usr/doc/lyx/debian.README.gz, ther should 
> also excist "* several manpages", of which I can find non. I am using the 

Sorry, there's only one: /usr/X11R6/man/man1/lyx.1.gz.

> MakeTeXTFM dcr1000.tfm 
> ...

What Latex installation do you have? I assume you're using mfbasfnt >1.0-4.
If so the missing dc fonts are not suprising. They aren't in mfbasfmt
anymore but are seperately packaged in mfdcfnt, which unfortunately is


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