Sorry for the late awsner.

> Hakan Ardo writes:
> > 
> > I'm trying to use lyx, and it works fine untill it invokes latex. Then it 
> > seems to be using some fonts that I have not installed. Where can I find 
> > thos
> e 
> > fonts (listed below)? Acording to /usr/doc/lyx/debian.README.gz, ther 
> > should 
> > also excist "* several manpages", of which I can find non. I am using the 
> Sorry, there's only one: /usr/X11R6/man/man1/lyx.1.gz.

Even taht one is missing...

> > MakeTeXTFM dcr1000.tfm 
> > ...
> What Latex installation do you have? I assume you're using mfbasfnt >1.0-4.

Well, I am using mfbasfnt 1.0-3. Because 1.0-4 is in the unstable distrobutinge,
and I thought that with unstable you ment not yet usable. But I am getting the
feeling that the packages in there is perfectly OK to use. What is the general
feeling about them? Do you allow dselect to update your packages as soon as a
new version shows up in unstable, or how carefull do I have to be with them?

> If so the missing dc fonts are not suprising. They aren't in mfbasfmt
> anymore but are seperately packaged in mfdcfnt, which unfortunately is
> non-free.

I can find no mfdcfnt package. I should be freely downloadable even if it is
in the non-free distrobution, right?

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