
>> I keep getting the following message when trying to NFS mount any of the
>> exported filesystems.
>>      mount clntupd_create: RPC: Program not registered
>Check that on the nfs server that mountd is running. This one is usually
>NOT started from inetd but instead is started from one of the rc files

Thanks!  I think you're right!  Just got your repsonse, and looked, and no
mountd...There are four nfsiod's running, but no mountd.  Also, I tried the
old Debian 0.93R6 last nite, and it still works with that system, so this is 
probably it.  

Thanks alot for your answer!

PS: My distribution came from I-Connect; the CD was cut on Jun 16.  Your
    suggestion led me to the problem; thanks again.  I found all the lines
    that execute the daemons commented out in the script in /init.d.  The
    script was there, and being called on entry to runlevel 2 by the link
    S25netstd_nfs, but all the daemons were not executed by init because
    they were all commented out!

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