On Wed, 21 Aug 1996, Scott J. Geertgens wrote:

> > >> I keep getting the following message when trying to NFS mount any of the
> > >> exported filesystems.
> > >> 
> > >>  mount clntupd_create: RPC: Program not registered
> > >> 
> > >
> > >Check that on the nfs server that mountd is running. This one is usually
> > >NOT started from inetd but instead is started from one of the rc files
> > >
>    I realize this is most likely the correct answer, but I will add
> another solution just for the sake of completeness. At one point I _did_
> have all the correct daemons running (nfsd, mountd), and still came up
> with this error. It turned out that I had fiddled around with
> /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny too much and shut off nearly
> everything. This generates the same error as not having mountd running.
> Wonderfully descriptive :)

My 2 cents' worth on this one is that my (new) system had full NFS
capability until I installed the netstd package, at which point I got the
above message. 

Poking around showed that /etc/init.d/netstd__nfs had all 5 of the _start_
lines commented out.  I am a Unix dumbkov but uncommenting the nsfd and
mountd lines got things going again.  This may not be the way to fix it.



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